


(宋) 李誡.

年份: 1100

Very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image recognition.

Karen Simonyan and Andrew Zisserman

年份: 2015

發表出處: International Conference on Learning Representations

Image style transfer using convolutional neural networks

L. A. Gatys, A. S. Ecker, and M. Bethge

年份: 2016

發表出處: 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 2414–2423

Image style transfer using convolutional neural networks

L. A. Gatys, A. S. Ecker, and M. Bethge

年份: 2016

發表出處: 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 2414–2423

Texture synthesis by non-parametric sampling

A. A. Efros and T. K. Leung

年份: 1999

發表出處: Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, volume 2, pages 1033–1038 vol.2

A parametric texture model based on joint statistics of complex wavelet coefficients

Javier Portilla and Eero Simoncelli

年份: 2000

發表出處: International Journal of Computer Vision

Real-time texture synthesis by patch-based sampling

Lin Liang, Ce Liu, Ying-Qing Xu, Baining Guo, and Heung-Yeung Shum

年份: 2001

發表出處: ACM Trans. Graph

Texture optimization for example-based synthesis

Vivek Kwatra, Irfan Essa, Aaron Bobick, and Nipun Kwatra

年份: 2005

發表出處: ACM Trans. Graph

Local derivative pattern versus local binary pattern: Face recognition with high-order local pattern descriptor

Baochang Zhang, Yongsheng Gao, Sanqiang Zhao, and Jianzhuang Liu

年份: 2010

發表出處: Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on

Texture classification approach based on energy variation

Shervan Fekri Ershad

年份: 2012

發表出處: international journal of multimedia technology

Binary gabor pattern: An efficient and robust descriptor for texture classification

L. Zhang, Z. Zhou, and H. Li

年份: 2012

發表出處: 2012 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pages 81–84

Breast cancer detection using mrf-based probable texture feature and decision-level fusion-based classification using hmm on thermography images

Rozita Rastghalam and Hossein Pourghassem

年份: 2015

發表出處: Pattern Recognition, 51

Texture networks: Feed-forward synthesis of textures and stylized images

Dmitry Ulyanov, Vadim Lebedev, Andrea Vedaldi, and Victor S. Lempitsky

年份: 2016

發表出處: CoRR, abs/1603.03417

Texture image analysis and texture classification methods - A review

Laleh Armi and Shervan Fekri Ershad

年份: 2019

發表出處: w. CoRR, abs/1904.06554

Image quilting for texture synthesis and transfer

Alexei A. Efros and William T. Freeman

年份: 2001

發表出處: SIGGRAPH ’01

Domain adaptations for computer vision applications

Oscar Beijbom

年份: 2012

發表出處: CoRR, abs/ 1211.4860

A neural algorithm of artistic style

Leon A. Gatys, Alexander S. Ecker, and Matthias Bethge

年份: 2015

發表出處: CoRR, abs/1508.06576

Learning transferable features with deep adaptation networks

Mingsheng Long, Yue Cao, Jianmin Wang, and Michael Jordan

年份: 2015

發表出處: Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning, volume 37 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, pages 97–105

Semantic style transfer and turning two-bit doodles into fine artworks

Alex J. Champandard

年份: 2016

發表出處: CoRR, abs/1603.01768

Split and match: Example-based adaptive patch sampling for unsupervised style transfer

O. Frigo, N. Sabater, J. Delon, and P. Hellier

年份: 2016

發表出處: 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 553–561

Photo-realistic single image superresolution using a generative adversarial network

Christian Ledig, Lucas Theis, Ferenc Huszar, Jose Caballero, Andrew P. Aitken, Alykhan Tejani, Johannes Totz, Zehan Wang, and Wenzhe Shi

年份: 2016

發表出處: CoRR, abs/1609.04802

Combining markov random fields and convolutional neural networks for image synthesis

Chuan Li and Michael Wand

年份: 2016

發表出處: CoRR, abs/1601.04589

Unsupervised domain adaptation with residual transfer networks

Mingsheng Long, Jianmin Wang, and Michael I. Jordan

年份: 2016

發表出處: CoRR, abs/1602.04433



年份: 2015