Author: Joey Cherdarchuk
Perfection is achieved
not when there is nothing more to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away

Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Source: The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte
Data-ink is
  • the non-erasable core of the graphic,
  • the non-redundant ink arranged in response to variation in the numbers represented.
Tufte asserts that in displaying data
  • we should remove all non-data-ink and redundant data-ink, within reason,
  • to increase the data-ink-ratio
  • and create a sound graphical design.

Visual Encoding

Visual Encoding by Michael Dubakov, 9 years ago


The visual encoding is the way in which
  • data is mapped into visual structures,
  • upon which we build the images on a screen.
There are two types of visual encoding variables:
  • planar (平面的) and
  • retinal (視網膜的).
Humans are sensitive to the retinal variables.
They easily differentiate between various colors, shapes, sizes and other properties.

Data types

There are three basic types of data:
  • something you can count,
  • something you can order and
  • something you can just differentiate.
These types get down to three un-intuitive terms:
  • Quantitative 數量的:
  • Ordered 順序/ Qualitative 性質上的:
  • Categorical 範疇的:
  • Quantitative:
    • Effort in points: 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13.
  • Ordered / Qualitative:
    • Bug Severity 嚴重性:
      • Blocking 阻塞,
      • Average,
      • Who Cares.
  • Categorical:
    • Fruits: Apples, Oranges, Plums.

Planar and Retinal Variables

OK, we've got some data.

Now how do we present it?

We have several visual encoding variables.
X and Y
  • Planar variables work for any data type.
  • They work great to present any quantitative data.
So what should we do then to present three or more variables?

We can use the retinal variables!
  • Size is a good visualizer for the quantitative data.
  • Texture is less common.
  • It's usually less catchy than color
  • So, in theory texture can be used for soft encoding,
  • but in practice it's better to pass on it.
○, ☆, █
  • We can easily distinguish dozens of shapes.
  • They do work well sometimes for the visual encoding of categories.
  • Orientation is tricky.
  • It is harder to use it properly for visual encoding.
Color Value
  • Any color value can be moved over a scale.
  • It's a helpful technique to visualize the ordered data.

Color Hue

  • Red color is alarming.
  • Green color is calm.
  • Blue color is peaceful.
  • Colors are great to separate categories.

Color in More Detail

There are three different scales that we can use with color.
HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) 色相、飽和度、明度
    We've already mentioned two of them:
  • the categorical scale (color hue)
  • the sequential scale (color value)
Diverging scale is somewhat new.
  • It encodes positive and negative values, e.g. temperatures in range of -50 to +50 C.
  • It would be a mistake to use any other color scales for that.
There are six primary colors:
  • The general rule of thumb is that you can use no more than a dozen colors to encode categories effectively.
  • If there's more, it'd be hard to differentiate between categories quickly.
  • These are the most commonly used colors:
Avoiding catastrophe becomes the first principle in bringing color to information: Above all, do no harm.”—Tufte

How to Apply the Retinal Variables to Data?

  • It is quite clear that we can't use all variables to present any data types.
  • For example, it is wrong to use color to represent numbers (1, 2, 3).
  • And it is bad to use size to represent various currencies (€, £ , ¥).
Here's the retinal variables usage summary:
  • Note that planar variables can be applied to all the data types.
  • Indeed, we can use the X-axis for categories, ordered variables or numbers.

The Basic Example

Sample data is very simple, we just want to visualize quantity of items:
Item Type Quantity
Features 3
Bugs 3
User Stories 6
    We have just two variables:
  • Item Types (Categorical) and
  • Items Quantity (well, Quantitative).
All the possible choices are based on the table above:
Item Type Orientation
X (or Y)
Item Quantity Orientation
X (or Y)
In theory, you can mix these variables as you wish.
I'm going to try four combinations. Hmm, looks like a puzzle. Value doesn't work for the quantitative data, it seems. Let's try something else!

Color + Size

Well, slightly better.
Still not very good.

Color + Size

The color coding works for entity 實體 types. For example, in Target Process we've got green Features, red Bugs and blue User Stories.
  • A very simple rule in visualizations is to never map scalar data to circle radii.
  • Humans do better in comparing relative areas, so if you want to map data to a shape, you have to map it to it's area.

Texture + Y

Almost great. But why this legend with texture? Can we just remove it? Yes! Let's use the X and Y planar variables.

X + Y

Now we have the best result!
It turned out that X+Y works great for a simple data set with just two variables. So, there's no need to use retinal variables at all.
Retinal variables should be used
if you need to present three or more data sources.

The Four Variables Example

Three is quite trivial, so we'll take four variables. Say, we have bugs, stories, and tasks and we want to visualize some properties of these entities:
  • Types
  • Priority
  • Average Effort in Points
  • Average Cycle Time in Days
Bugs are reported via tickets in a ticket system like Bugzilla, Jira or Mantis. When the bug is detected a ticket is created and when the bugfix is live, the ticket is closed.
This whole period of time is the lead time.
The lead time is the time and not the effort. You may have a lead time of 100 days and only have to work 1 hour to fix the bug.
Sometime you start working on the bug. The cycle time is the time from the start of the work until the bugfix is live.
Here is our data:
Type Priority Average Effort Average Cycle Time
Features Must Have 30 40
Features Good 20 40
Features Nice to Have 15 20
Bugs Fix ASAP 2 2
Bugs Fix 2 8
Bugs Fix if Time 5 12
User Stories Must Have 8 10
User Stories Good 5 7
User Stories Nice to Have 8 7
We need to pick four variables. Surely, there're other choices, but here's what I've selected:
Variable Type Encoding
Entity Type Categorical Color Hue
Priority Ordered Color Value
Average Effort in Points Quantitative X
Average Cycle Time in Days Quantitative Y
Now it's easy to draw the chart.
The important bugs are shown in deep red, the unimportant ones — in light red. The same pattern applies to features and user stories.
What can we say about this chart?
Here are some useful observations:
  • Bugs are usually are smaller than user stories, and features are the largest entities.
  • Important bugs are small and get fixed quickly.
  • Important features are the largest, and it takes more time to release them (interesting information, by the way!).
  • Unimportant bugs are the largest, and it takes longer to fix them.
  • There's a good correlation between effort and cycle time: it takes more time to deliver large entities.
Of course, you can get the same info from the plain table above,
but the chart is much more fun to explore.

The Eight Real Examples

Let's check some real-life examples to get an even better idea of what visual encoding is about. All these examples are related to sports.
#1. Usain Bolt vs. The World
  • New York Times is a never-ending source of cool visualizations.
  • This one is about the Olympics, the Men's 100-Meter Sprint
Visual encoding variables:
  • Color: natural colors used to encode bronze, silver and gold medals
  • X: meters behind Bolt (a quite unusual but very impressive metric)
  • Y: year
#2. Olympic Medals
  • Very smart. There are names for nations with many medals, all the rest can be identified by their geographic position (everybody knows where New Zealand)
    Visual encoding variables:
  • Color: continent
  • Size: medals count
  • X and Y: the world map
#3. Baseball Teams Performance
  • The Y variable is used twice in this example.
  • The ranking on the left shows day-to-day standings. The salaries are on the right.
  • The lines connect teams with their salaries, the thicker the line, the higher the salary.
  • The blue color shows that the team is doing well for its money; the red color shows the oppo
  • We can see right away that the Rays are doing fantastic as well as San Diego and Texas, while Chicago has some problems.
  • It would be great to be able to focus on the blue or red teams only, this visualization lacks some interactivity.
    Visual encoding variables:
  • Y: baseball teams
  • Y: salaries
  • Color: trend (good or bad)
  • Size: salary
#4. Basketball Teams Performance
  • A heatmap is one other nice way to get the best of colors. Here's a very nice visualization of basketball teams performance created by (surprise!)
  • New York Times.
  • You can immediately spot hot areas on the court and compare the shot patterns for both teams. The Thunder rely on 3 pts shots heavily, while the Heat are more di
    Visual encoding variables:
  • X and Y: basketball court map
  • Color: points per region
  • Size: number of attempts
#5. Football Clubs League Dominance
  • Poor usage of encoding variables is not an exception. Most of such mistakes are related to the incorrect color choices. It might seem that color encodes a football team here, but it doesn't.
  • When you change the range, color changes as well — this is just a random color to help you differentiate between the areas.
#5. Football Clubs League Dominance
  • In this case it would've been better to not use any color at all or use it wisely and encode only the prominent teams with.
    Visual encoding variables:
  • Color: ???
  • Size: championship years
#6. Football World Championship
  • This one is an offbeat visualization of South Africa's Football World Champions of 2010.
  • Good usage of shapes and colors. The chart represents timelines of two footbal
    Visual encoding variables:
  • X: time line
  • Y: teams
  • Shape + Color: event (goal, pass, shot)
#7. Football Teams Performance
  • This visualization utilizes color scale and size. However, it has a mistake.
  • A diverging scale should have different colors for positive and negative values, but in this image we see just one color
    Visual encoding variables:
  • Color: passing accuracy
  • Size: payer performance
  • X and Y: player position on the field
#8. Shoes
  • A very complex and somewhat crazy example where all the retinal variables are used: the shoes wall.
  • Take a look at those diverse visualizations.
  • The concept can be quite hard to grasp, but it's curiosity that should be driving us to explore.
  • Wrap-up

    • The encoding variables power clear and intelligent visualizations when used wisely.
    • Avoid common mistakes, identify your data types and pick the relevant variables.


    The End!